Brian Kateman


Brian Kateman is a co-founder of the Reducetarian Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the consumption of animal products. He is the author of Meat Me Halfway — inspired by a documentary of the same name — and the editor of The Reducetarian Cookbook and The Reducetarian Solution.

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Estilo de vida

Ganaderos y veganos finalmente han encontrado algo en lo que pueden ponerse de acuerdo

La defensa de la importancia de las técnicas agrícolas holísticas ha unido dos facciones poco probables.


Ranchers and Vegans Have Finally Found Something They Can Agree On

Advocating for the importance of holistic farming techniques has united two unlikely factions.


Vegan Brands Are Swinging For Our Greatest Hope: Gen Z

The fastest-growing brands in the plant-based food space are realizing that to sell to young people today, they can't play it safe.


De la buena mesa a la comida rápida: hacia dónde se dirigen los alimentos a base de plantas en 2022

A medida que los consumidores que comen carne continúan mostrando interés en los alimentos veganos, las industrias minorista y de restaurantes no pierden el ritmo.

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