Chris Penttila
Chris Penttila is a Washington, DC-based freelance journalist who covers workplace issues on her blog,
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How to Keep Cold and Flu Out of the Office
Cold and flu season is here. How do you keep sick employees from becoming a drain on productivity?
How Not to Be a 'Bosshole'
Consider this advice for bringing out the best in employees and keeping your top talent motivated.
Sell Your Company With Savvy
Are you coming off as too desperate to sell your company?
In With the Out(sourcing)
Small businesses are hiring more independent contractors, but be aware of the pros and cons.
How to Find Ambitious Employees
Attracting proactive people isn't easy, but it's well worth the effort.
5 Ways to Break the Silence Barrier
When your employees are scared, the best thing to do is get them talking.
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