Christopher Massimine: Page 2


Chris Massimine is the CEO of Imagine Tomorrow, a firm that shepherds and sources capital for creative works. Massimine is also a business development consultant, an international theatermaker and executive producer of the upcoming film "The Inventor."

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Starting a Business

7 Deadly Misconceptions About Entrepreneurship and Starting a Business

Don't fall for these seven cardinal sins when launching a start-up.


Cómo dejar de sentirte como un impostor y comenzar a sentir que perteneces

No tienes que ser un ser humano impecable y perfecto. Eres capaz y puedes hacer lo que te propongas.


How to Stop Feeling Like An Imposter and Start Feeling Like You Belong

You don't have to be a perfect and flawless human being. You are enough, and you can do this.


Lo que nadie te dice sobre la salud mental en el trabajo

Porque los problemas de salud mental nos afectan a todos, es hora de que hablemos de ellos.

Health & Wellness

The Untold Truth About Mental Health In The Workplace

Mental health is a significant issue that affects us all. It's time we talk about it.


The Ultimate Guide To Achieving Work-Life Balance

While work-life balance is something that everyone strives for, it's not always easy to achieve.