Chuck Longanecker
Chuck Longanecker is the CEO and founder of Digital Telepathy, a user-experience design company passionate about crafting meaningful experiences and products -- like Hello Bar (acquired by Crazy Egg), Impress and Filament -- and fostering great company culture.
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Boost Your Team's Productivity With 'Good Fridays'
A good Friday ties the week together, with perfectly accomplished objectives and high-fives.
Reinforce Your Company Culture Through 'Random Acts of Culture'
It's official: Companies with happy employees outperform the competition.
Why You Should Use a Subscription Business Model
The benefits abound -- for both company and customer.
Seek Your Strategy for 2015 on a Vision Quest
Sometimes, to see what comes next we need to take a step back.
Early to Work, Early Back Home Banishes the Wintertime Blues
Who says you need to "fall back'' when the clocks change? One company is ignoring the clock to give employees an hour of sunlight.
5 Signs Your Company Culture May Actually Suck
Culture is not an app you can install and master but a garden you plant, tend and, when needed, weed and prune.
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