Dr. Colleen Batchelder


Dr. Colleen Batchelder approaches generational dissonance through different lenses, including anthropology, theology, sociology and ethnography. She has worked with multiple business leaders to develop corporate environments that resonate and represent the millennial and Generation Z workforce.

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Growing a Business

5 Game-Changing Tips For Creating a Company That Attracts Top-Level Job Seekers

In today's competitive job market, it is more important than ever that your company culture is attractive.

Resumes & Interviewing

3 Ways I Attracted The Best Generation Z Applicants

Do you want to create a workplace that attracts and retains top-level Generation Z applicants? Here are some tips that will help your business stand out and stand above the competition.


How Billionaires Warren Buffett, Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey Strike the Balance Between Life and Leadership

Over long and lucrative careers, they've learned how to avoid burnout on their quests for success.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Cómo los multimillonarios Warren Buffett, Richard Branson y Oprah Winfrey logran el equilibrio entre la vida y el liderazgo

A lo largo de largas y lucrativas carreras, han aprendido a evitar el agotamiento en su búsqueda del éxito.


5 Strategies to Beat Imposter Syndrome: How I Built My Confidence With Practical Tactics

Today, Imposter Syndrome is still a part of my life, but it doesn't own me like it used to.


5 estrategias para vencer el síndrome del impostor: cómo construí mi confianza con tácticas prácticas

Hoy en día, el síndrome del impostor todavía forma parte de mi vida, pero ya no me pertenece como antes.

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