Fida Chaaban
Behaving Badly: Your Inflated Ego Will Affect Your Business
Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking a Series B, or an exec in a corporation seeking a senior position, your connections really can make a difference.
Good Full Circle Communications Strategies Start At The Top (Really)
Recruiting a strong corporate comms executive in-house pays for itself .
Change Is Good: Entrepreneur Middle East Has A New Editor-in-Chief
Our consistent readers and our friends in the entrepreneurial ecosystem -both online and offline know us as the "real talk" medium. That transparency extends to shifts in direction and to changes in the existing team and setup.
How I Learned To Stop Whining And Start Doing From #EntMEWomen
This edition, we have some of the region's biggest achievers, and all of them come across more calm and more "stable" than I do when you encounter them in real life (I promise).
Entrepreneur Middle East's Achieving Women 2016: Amy Cole, Head of Brand Development EMEA, Instagram
Cole was Instagram's sixth employee, and today, she heads the business for the EMEA region, with her team focused on how they can help brands and businesses get the best out of Instagram.
HH Sheikha Latifa Bint Mohammed Al Maktoum: Dubai Culture Wants Creative Entrepreneurs To Go Global
H.H. Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice Chairman of the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) talks about encouraging creative entrepreneurship in the Middle East region.
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