Gene Marks: Page 18

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP


Gene Marks is a CPA and owner of The Marks Group PC, a ten-person technology and financial consulting firm located near Philadelphia founded in 1994.

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Latest: Page 18

Thought Leaders

Why Does Bill Cosby Keep Coming to Work?

The pilloried comedian has continued performing despite numerous allegations of sexual abuse.

Thought Leaders

Why Most Restaurants Featured on 'Kitchen Nightmares' Fail

British chef Gordon Ramsay supposedly turns things around for these business owners every episode, but they go out of business anyway. Here's an explanation.


What Small Businesses Provide That Larger Companies Cannot

A tragic turn of events at one firm reveals that something is eventually lost at a larger scale.

Growing a Business

The Lesson in American Airlines' Smart Pricing Plan for its Exclusive Club

What kind of customers would you rather have? Ones that pay as they go, or those on a subscription?

Business News

Welcome Back to the Blow-Off Economy. Yay?

The economy is picking up again, and most businesses are on stronger ground. That usually leads to one thing.

Business Plans

Make Plans, But Remember That Success Comes to Those Who Execute

Seeking a European headquarters, the founder of a micro brewery is ultimately relying on his instincts. That's what most successful entrepreneurs do.