Jacqueline Whitmore
Jacqueline Whitmore is an etiquette expert and founder of the Protocol School of Palm Beach in Palm Beach, Fla. She is the author of Poised for Success: Mastering the Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals (St. Martin's Press, 2011) and Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work (St. Martin's Press, 2005).
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8 formas de recibir un cumplido con gracia
Todo el mundo quiere elogios, pero las personas agradables suelen ser inadvertidamente groseras cuando los reciben.
Las 7 cualidades de las personas altamente respetadas
Los líderes son juzgados por sus resultados y respetados por lo bien que tratan a las personas.
7 Elements of a Strong Work Ethic
Here are the pillars you need for personal and professional success.
Ask the Etiquette Expert: How to Handle a Hugger
Negotiating personal space takes finesse when dealing with the overly affectionate.
Ask the Etiquette Expert: How to Deal with the Anti-Social Co-Worker
Don't take offense that a competent-but-shy member of the team keeps to himself.
Ask the Etiquette Expert: 8 Rules for Texting at Work
An employee vexed by a co-worker's texting needs to politely speak up or back off.
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