Mark Macias
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Don't Give a Sales Pitch to a Journalist — Tell Them Your Story. Here's Why.
Most entrepreneurs are driven to sell their product or service in all conversations, but don't try doing that when speaking with reporters.
How to Use Small Media to Build Your Brand
Your job as a new company is to get your brand everywhere in the least amount of time.
Cómo utilizar los medios pequeños para construir su marca
Tu trabajo como nueva empresa es llevar tu marca a todas partes en el menor tiempo posible.
Publicist Reveals Shocking Bad Behavior From Clients and How to Form a Relationship That Works
Could your tone with a publicist be hurting your PR outreach? Here's what publicists won't tell you the next time you treat them as a paid minion.
Publicista revela impactante mal comportamiento de los clientes y cómo formar una relación que funcione
¿Podría su tono con un publicista estar perjudicando su alcance de relaciones públicas? Esto es lo que los publicistas no le dirán la próxima vez que los trate como un subordinado pagado.
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