Paul Fitzgerald
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Cómo decirle a un cliente demandante e intimidador que le llegue de manera cortés (y profesional)
Sucumbir a las demandas irrazonables y las rabietas de un cliente es un error fácil de cometer para el dueño de un negocio.
How to Tell Your Bullying Client to Politely (and Professionally) Get Lost
Succumbing to a client's unreasonable demands and tantrums is an easy mistake for business owners to make.
10 PR Trends That Will Explode Your Brand in 2023
Adapting, evolving and pivoting to meet increasing public relations trends and propel client businesses to the forefront has been the focus of public relations professionals across industries since the dramatic shift in 2020.
The Much-Anticipated "Great Recession of 2023" Is Coming. Here's How To Leverage PR During Economic Uncertainty
Embrace the economic doom and gloom and make your brand shine during challenging times.
What's Hot and What's Not in Public Relations for 2023
Here's the scoop on new trends you should follow in the public relations industry.
How To Build A Brand in 10 Days: Tips and Tricks for the Digital Age
With the rise of social media, our increasingly digital world has completely changed the landscape of how we think about branding today.
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