Prerna Raturi: Page 2
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Beyond Erin Brockovich and Mother India: Must-Watch Women's Movies
Here are the best Bechdel test for movies: where at least two women talk to each other about something other than a man.
Building A Brand On Emotional Connect
There's a method to the madness when you want to play on your end consumers' emotions. Here are four brands that hit the bull's eye when it comes to emotional connect with Indian consumers.
What Your Bartender Can Teach You About Customer Service
Ever wondered how much a bartender can teach each us when it comes to customer service and how to become the five-star provider?
"Our Journey Has Been Like Blooming of a Flower"
Changing with the times while keeping the company's interests in mind has also ensured that Srei encourages innovation at workplace.
What you seek is seeking you: Rumi for entrepreneurs
The outpouring of grief not only unlocked Rumi's creative mind, but also gave him an insight into deep human feelings.