Ryan Holiday
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No, Books Are NOT 'the New Business Card'
Any entrepreneur who sets out to write a book as a lead-gen device for marketing clients is by definition a lousy marketer.
5 Truths of Ancient Wisdom That Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur
Take pride in your work. But it is not all there is.
4 Ways To Push Through Adversity and Failure Without Ego
There is no escaping loss and hardship, but whether it makes us or breaks us is a choice we can make. There are no victims, only volunteers.
5 Deadly Kinds of Ego That Prey Upon Your Success
Because we prize victory so, we are often blind to the fact -- well known to the ancients -- that it can be harder to bear than hardship itself.
The 3 Ways Ego Will Derail Your Career Before It Really Begins
Passion, pride and too much talk can get in the way of accomplishing your dreams.
A Leadership Lesson From Eisenhower's Stoic Reversal at D-Day
Remember the obstacle or the rival is only as strong as your perception lets it be.
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