Saumya Kaushik


Hailing from New Delhi, Saumya wears her heart on her sleeve for her city. An ailurophile and an author of two novels; she is a voracious reader and divides her time between studying authors and cooks, often simultaneously! 


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No More Wal-Mart's Food-only Stores For India As Yet. Read Why

Is it a NO-NO for Walmart's food-only stores in India?


9 Must Read Books on Entrepreneurship

9 Interesting Reads For Entrepreneurs And Aspiring Ones


4 Marketing Tips by Food Industry Experts

"Customer is the one and only king of the Business"


7 Inspirational Quotes For Business By Abhinav Bindra At Startup India Summit 2016

Need inspiration for starting up your business? Ace Shooter Abhinav Bindra said it all in 7 quotes!


11 Motivational Mantras By Steve Jobs

Unleash the entrepreneurial power within you!

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