Ted Prodromou
Ted Prodromou is the author of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business (Entrepreneur Press®, 2019) as well as a speaker, author and online advertising consultant, generating leads for his clients using Google AdWords, Facebook ads, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms. He also teaches online and in-person classes on LinkedIn, Twitter, and online advertising. In his past life, Ted worked for high tech companies IBM, DEC and Cellular One before starting his own consulting firm in 1999. You can learn more about Ted at tedprodromou.com.
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Join LinkedIn's "Secret Societies" To Grow Your Business?
Being part of the right group can provide you with the connections you need to reach new industries or regions. Find out how to find and join a LinkedIn group that's a perfect fit.
How To Use Twitter's Promoted Resources to Your Business's Advantage
Learn how to put Twitter's paid services to work to help you advertise your business and generate revenue.
Discover the LinkedIn App That Will Send Send Your Sales Through the Roof
Let us show you how this premium app could be worth its weight in superior sales leads.
How to Create LinkedIn Ads That Convert Like Crazy
The following strategies will help you create ads that make prospects want to click and buy.
Why Twitter Is a Key to Your Sales and Marketing Success
Business owners are using Twitter to market their businesses and increase sales. Here are 10 ways you can do the same.
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