Tina Frey, CPC


Tina Frey is a keynote speaker, author, coach, leader and facilitator leading within entertainment, auto, luxury and L&D for over 25 years. She is a communications expert, and her book The ART of Facilitation and keynote address "Yes, You Do Have a Choice" are testaments to her talent.

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Business Culture

Want Engaged Employees? Act Like a Nanobubble

Nanobubbles revitalized Lake Elsinore by addressing its root problems, offering a metaphor for sustainable employee engagement.


The Simple Question Great Leaders Ask People Every Day

To get the best out of people, you need to stop assuming you know what makes them tick.


La pregunta simple que los grandes líderes hacen a las personas todos los días

Para sacar lo mejor de las personas, debe dejar de asumir que sabe lo que las motiva.

Growing a Business

12 Days to De-Clutter and Create a More Productive You

Clutter, whether it be literal or figurative, blocks productivity and progress. When we give ourselves permission to get control and manage tasks that weigh us down, it frees us to be even more successful and proficient in our work.

Estrategias de crecimiento

12 días para despejar el desorden y crear una persona más productiva

El desorden, ya sea literal o figurativo, bloquea la productividad y el progreso. Cuando nos damos permiso para tomar el control y administrar las tareas que nos agobian, nos libera para ser aún más exitosos y competentes en nuestro trabajo.


Which Do You Need: A Coach or a Consultant or a Trainer? Here's How to Know.

The terms coaching, training, and consulting are thrown about by clients, believing they are interchangeable. In reality, each solution has a unique impact on you and your people.

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