Wendy Frink: Page 4


Wendy Frink is the social media editor for Entrepreneur.com.

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Latest: Page 4

Business News

American Airlines Shows Off Swanky New Cabins

The air carrier is planning to make its cabins feel more like 'sky hotels.'

Social Media

Report: Facebook Is About to Enter the E-Money Game

The social giant is gearing up to give PayPal a run for their money.

Social Media

How to Choose the Right Video Platform for Your Business (Infographic)

Find out which video social platform is best for your business.

Social Media

Fun Times: Workers in Neighboring Office Buildings Had an Amazing Post-It Note Conversation

Who needs phones and emails when you can simply stick a couple of Post-Its on your window?

Social Media

How to Craft the Perfect Social Post [Infographic]

Stumped on how get the most out of your posts? Check out this handy infographic for what types of posts work best, and at what time.


Do Pets Make the Best Co-Workers?

We asked you to send us pictures of your office pets. Here are our 25 favorite submissions.