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Amazon CEO Andy Jassy Says Earning Employees' Trust Takes More Than 'Being Nice' — Here's How He Does It Amazon's CEO recently spoke about the company's 16 leadership principles.

By Emily Rella Edited by Melissa Malamut

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon CEO Andy Jassy recently spoke about the company's leadership principles, including one that calls for earning trust from workers.
  • Jassy explained that earning employee's trust has less to do with just "being nice" and more to do with being honest.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy recently spoke in a company video about the successful principles of good leaders.

Jassy said that one important principle is earning trust from your employees — but not in the way that people might think.

Related: 5 Things To Know About Amazon's New Boss Andy Jassy

"They sometimes confuse it with being nice to one another or having social cohesion or not challenging each other in meetings. That's not what we mean," Jassy said. "What we mean is being honest, authentic, straightforward, listening intently but challenging respectfully if you disagree, and then delivering what you said you would.

Jassy added that, if you want to earn trust, you have to deliver news to employees, good or bad.

"If you say you've got something, deliver it," he said. "If you own something and it's not going well, be self-critical, and fix it."

Earning trust is one of Amazon's 16 leadership principles that founder Jeff Bezos introduced when he began the company in the mid-1990s. Amazon calls the guidelines an "essential tenet" to the inner workings of the company's operations and values for employees to abide by.

Other principles on the list include "Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit," and "Think Big." Another principle, "Dive Deep," means to get involved with the details to deliver results.

Jassy replaced Bezos as CEO in 2020 and has worked for the company for 27 years.

Related: Amazon CEO Andy Jassy Issues Rallying Cry in Leaked Audio

"I'm still working on it," Jassy admitted about living out the principles in his day-to-day work life. "People change, competitive dynamics change, products change, technology changes. The Leadership Principles are something you have to constantly work at. When they're applied well, they're powerful."

Amazon was up over 37.4% in a one-year period as of Monday afternoon.

Emily Rella

Senior News Writer

Emily Rella is a Senior News Writer at Previously, she was an editor at Verizon Media. Her coverage spans features, business, lifestyle, tech, entertainment, and lifestyle. She is a 2015 graduate of Boston College and a Ridgefield, CT native. Find her on Twitter at @EmilyKRella.

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