Sohail Khan
Sohail Khan is the bestselling author of Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures. He's a joint venture expert, entrepreneur, investor, and business mentor. He has launched and exited several seven- and eight-figure business ventures.
Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Partner With Your Competitors
The next time you meet someone that you can see as a competitor, try to look at their business in a different way- look for those opportunities where you could benefit each other.
Six Benefits Of Working With A Business Coach
Business coaching is proven to work when these two factors are present: the client is willing to grow, and there is a gap between where they are now and where they want to be.
Five Important Hacks You Need To Know To Convert Your Website Visitors Into Paying Clients
How do you convert unique website visitors to paying clients? Here's a few tips.
10 Important Lessons I Learnt About The Power Of Strategy
The right strategies are what makes a person or company a success or failure today.
12 Ways To Grow Your Business By Hiring Your Dream Team
Here's the ultimate hiring guide from top-to-bottom of the hierarchy. Let's debunk few myths, learn to avoid the pitfalls and filter some advice.
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