Amrit Mann


Senior Corresspondent at Entrepreneur India



Innovations For Which The Future Is Now

These innovative businesses are bold enough to sound foolhardy, or seem too tough to execute.


Putting 100 Businesses In One Room

Entrepreneur traces the group's growth trajectory and upcoming projects in a tête-à-tête with the President of Vatika Business Centre.


The Business Of Brewing

The man believes in taking fewer but bolder steps.

Growth Strategies

Building a Brand Without Destroying a Legacy

Legacy businesses are either enetering new territories or re-inventing themselves, Here's how:

Growth Strategies

This Rubber Gaint Is Wheeling Towards Success

With an initial target to manufacture four lakh tyres and tubes annually, the company now produces more than 20 million tyres each year.

Starting a Business

The Legal Stamp!

A solution to your never-ending legal procedures and paperwork

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