Chaitanya V Cotha


Currently holds the position of Director at C Krishniah Chetty Group of Companies. He handles the online business, overall expansions, marketing, stores operations and HNI sales of the company. He also serves as Managing Director of The 1869 Guild, an innovative B2B venture of the CKC Group that has successfully started and scaled up a business, which now supplies product to 280 stores across four states with a team of just nine people (including himself). What is even more commendable is he achieved all this in the span of


Growth Strategies

Hire The Right Way

One bad hire can dampen overall productivity and can hinder the ability of a company to scale up

Growth Strategies

6 Steps to Negotiate Properly and Achieve Better Outcome

Only the art of negotiation can take your business to un-imaginable heights and here are a few tips that will make you excellent in it


2 Means To Nurture A Selling Conversation

Identification and implementation of favourable sales conditions is a step that cannot be afforded to skip and here's what you need to do

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