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AI For Democratic Access to Data Control With Stringent Compliances Imagine a future where you control a personal data vault, deciding which applications and services have access to specific portions of your data

By Piyush Mehta

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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The narrative surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) has often focused on its potential to disrupt industries and redefine human capabilities. However, a lesser-discussed aspect of AI's rise is its role in democratizing access to data control. This shift, particularly relevant in a data-rich country like India, is transforming we interact with information. To date, businesses have processed and monetized vast datasets, often with limited transparency or user consent. This dynamic is being challenged by the emergence of AI. Imagine a future where you control a personal data vault, deciding which applications and services have access to specific portions of your data. AI-driven consent management platforms are streamlining the process of granting and revoking access.


The democratization of data isn't just about individual empowerment. It's fuelling innovation at an unprecedented rate. Open-source AI frameworks are lowering the barrier to entry for developers, fostering a more inclusive AI ecosystem. This allows smaller companies and start-ups to leverage AI capabilities without relying on the data silos of large corporations. The resulting diversity of thought and innovation can accelerate AI development and lead to solutions that better serve the needs of a wider population. India is well-positioned to be a leader in this data-driven revolution along with the government's push for a digital India. However, concerns around data privacy remain. NASSCOM highlights that 72% of Indian businesses are unprepared for the upcoming Personal Data Protection Bill.


AI-powered solutions can anonymize and aggregate data, enabling valuable insights for businesses without compromising privacy. Differential privacy adds statistical noise to data sets, making it impossible to identify specific individuals. Federated learning allows AI models to be trained on decentralized datasets, eliminating the need for central storage and reducing data breaches.


The true potential of AI in democratizing data control lies in the creation of a "data dividend," a concept that goes beyond individual ownership and reframes data as a collective resource, a step towards data democracy. It's where AI facilitates the creation of secure, user-governed data cooperatives. These cooperatives would aggregate anonymized data from consenting users, allowing researchers, businesses, and policymakers to safely access valuable insights.


The path towards a data-driven future built on user empowerment and responsible governance isn't without its challenges. Biases within AI algorithms can perpetuate discrimination, and the security of decentralized data systems requires constant vigilance. However, with careful planning and collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society, these challenges can be overcome.

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