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This Leader Shares How Curb Is Innovating Urban Mobility Vishal Dhawan, chief product and technology officer at Curb, is using technology and product development to help transform the taxi industry.

By Robert Tuchman Edited by Jessica Thomas

Key Takeaways

  • Use data and analytics to innovate.
  • Have a clear mission and prioritize the customer experience.
  • Innovate for the future with AI and machine learning.

This week on How Success Happens, I had the pleasure of speaking with Vishal Dhawan, the chief product and technology officer at Curb. With a distinguished technology and product development career, Dhawan has played a pivotal role in transforming the taxi industry. We delved into his career journey, the groundbreaking innovations at Curb and his vision for the future of urban mobility.

You can listen to our full conversation above, and below, I've pulled out three key takeaways that I found particularly inspiring.

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1. Use data and analytics to innovate

Dhawan has seen the taxi industry evolve significantly over the past decade. Under his leadership, Curb has become a beacon of innovation, integrating technology to make taxi services more efficient and user-friendly. He explained how data analytics is crucial in optimizing ride-sharing services and reducing urban congestion.

Over the past 10 years at Curb, Dhawan has focused on building marketplace offerings on Curb's robust foundation in payments and for-hire vehicle products. He has spearheaded the development of the largest mobility platform of licensed taxis in the U.S., connecting over 50,000 vehicles and 100,000 drivers across more than 65 cities. "We have created a platform that leverages data and analytics to ensure efficient ride-sharing services, significantly reducing urban congestion," he noted.

2. Have a clear mission and prioritize the customer experience

One of the most fascinating parts of our discussion was Dhawan's overview of Curb's innovative projects and the company's commitment to its drivers. From its advanced dispatch system to electric vehicle integration, Curb is setting new standards in sustainable and user-friendly transportation. Dhawan highlighted Curb Flow, an innovative platform optimizing curbside space management to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion.

"Curb Flow is designed to create an open network of ride demand sources, maximizing earnings and options for drivers and supply partners alike," Dhawan says. He also emphasized the company's dedication to ensuring fair wages, comprehensive support and advanced tools to improve the driving experience. "At Curb, our driver-first approach is at the core of our business, ensuring that our drivers are well-supported and motivated."

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3. Innovate for the future with AI and machine learning

Dhawan shared an exciting vision for the future, focusing on cybersecurity and inclusivity in urban transportation. He elaborated on how Curb is leveraging machine learning and AI to enhance operations. These technologies enhance driver training courses, communication and incentive programs. "Machine learning helps us analyze driver behavior and performance, enabling personalized training modules and feedback systems," Dhawan says. "Our goal is to create a safer, more efficient, and inclusive transportation system through advanced technology."

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Robert Tuchman

Entrepreneur Staff

Host of How Success Happens

Robert Tuchman is the host of Entrepreneur's How Success Happens podcast and founder of Amaze Media Labs the largest business creating podcasts for companies and brands. He built and sold two Inc. 500 companies: TSE Sports and Entertainment and Goviva acquired by Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

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