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Entertainer and Entrepreneur Kevin Hart Talks His New Tequila Launch: 'We Put in the Blood, Sweat, Tears and Energy' The comedian's tequila company Gran Coramino just launched a new Reposado

By Robert Tuchman Edited by Jessica Thomas

Key Takeaways

  • The entertainer is deeply invested in his entrepreneurial pursuits.
  • He emphasizes how important connections and relationship-building are, especially in business.
  • Hart is also giving back through the Coramino Fund.
Gran Coramino

This week on How Success Happens, I spoke with actor, comedian and entrepreneur Kevin Hart, the co-founder of Gran Coramino Tequila. He's had an amazing career, and I was curious about Hart's entrepreneurial spirit, his growing tequila company Gran Coramino and the Coramino Fund's recent $1 million donation to over 100 Black and Latinx small business owners.

You can listen to our full conversation above, and below, I've pulled out three key takeaways. I hope you're as inspired as I am by Hart.

Early life and entrepreneurial spirit

Hart remarked that his entrepreneurial journey wasn't pre-planned but a discovery born from success. He says he enjoys navigating the "how" of achieving goals. "It's something that you fall into and fall in love with as success occurs," he says.

Hart reflected on his partnership with 11th-generation tequila maker Juan Domingo Beckmann to create Gran Coramino and shared that their joy lies in the destination and the evolving journey itself. Hart stressed the significance of relationships and underlined how connections aid in his journey of discovery. Hart's perspective underscores the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship, where passion, adaptability and relationship-building intertwine to propel one toward success.

Timestamp — 1:00

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Gran Coramino's Reposado launch

Hart discussed launching Gran Coramino's newest variant, Reposado, following the success of its Cristalino and Añejo. Hart's approach isn't that of a mere entertainer but of someone deeply invested in the quality and longevity of his ventures.

"We put in the blood, sweat, tears and energy and now have our product on the shelves that everybody resonates, relates and understands," he says.

He adds that the new Reposado is "a tequila for the people. This is a premium liquid for all, and that's the goal. It's a product that anybody and everybody can enjoy and that they feel good about."

Timestamp — 8:15

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Coramino Fund

Hart discussed why he partnered with Local Initiatives Support Corporation to create the Coramino Fund with Gran Coramino Tequila. The fund donates $1 from every bottle sold to support underrepresented entrepreneurs across the U.S. and Mexico.

"Now that I'm in the place of success and I've seen a lot of the things work, you have to have the wherewithal to reach back ... to support others like you, others that are fighting and scratching to figure it out," he says. "So raising $1 million to do just that, to be a product that is not only a representation of the people for the people, it's something that we feel is a seamless connection."

Timestamp — 11:35

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Robert Tuchman

Entrepreneur Staff

Host of How Success Happens

Robert Tuchman is the host of Entrepreneur's How Success Happens podcast and founder of Amaze Media Labs the largest business creating podcasts for companies and brands. He built and sold two Inc. 500 companies: TSE Sports and Entertainment and Goviva acquired by Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

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