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Popmenu Started With a Simple Offering for Restaurants — Now It's Using AI to Help Them Flourish Popmenu co-founders Brendan Sweeney and Tony Roy discuss the challenges restaurants face and how AI tools can help them grow bigger than ever before.

By Shawn P. Walchef Edited by Jessica Thomas

Key Takeaways

  • As the restaurant landscape changes, customers are less likely to accept the high costs being passed on to them.
  • Industry events let you rub elbows with other leaders and showcase your innovations to them.
  • Popmenu's AI-driven content calendar simplifies marketing by pre-populating social posts, emails and texts based on business activities.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

If there's one commonality among restaurant operators, it's that there is just too much to do with too little time.

That's why Popmenu is using AI and other innovative technologies to help restaurant operators regain more of life's most precious resource: hours in the day.

Brendan Sweeney and Tony Roy are co-founders of Popmenu, a SaaS company that helps restaurant owners navigate an increasingly complex and tech-driven industry landscape. They recently sat down with Shawn Walchef to record an episode of the Restaurant Influencers podcast.

Popmenu's vision is not just about using technology but using it correctly. Tech should seamlessly integrate into the fabric of operations and be paired with valuable data to make life easier for restaurant owners.

In April 2024, Popmenu conducted a nationwide study of 1,000 consumers in the U.S. about their dining habits.

The company's research found that consumers spend 10% less of their food budget on restaurants than they did previously — 30% now compared to 40% in 2022. Thirty-eight percent of those surveyed said they are spending the same as before but are now tipping less.

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As the restaurant industry faces mounting challenges, Sweeney says he's acutely aware that simply offering great food and service is no longer enough to keep the doors open.

Establishments that adapt to the times will continue to thrive. Great food and service should always be available, but now great technology should also be included.

"The restaurants that are doing the things they need to do to stay in front of consumers are hanging in there, or they're growing," Sweeney says.

Sweeney emphasizes that although, unfortunately, hospitality alone can't guarantee success anymore, adapting to the times is essential. Restaurants that resist engaging with technology and digital marketing find it increasingly difficult to keep up.

"There are too many options out there staying in front of you all the time," he says. "I think now, more and more, it's kind of taking shape. [Restaurants] understand more about what they need to do. They're believing."

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AI Marketing

This understanding of the industry's shifting dynamics fuels Popmenu's innovations.

In that April 2024 survey, Popmenu found that most restaurant operators listed "creating marketing content" as one of their most time-consuming tasks. Three-fourths said they were open to using AI to help save time when making marketing content.

That's where Popmenu's AI-driven content calendar, designed to ease the burden on restaurant owners, can help. It pre-populates an entire month's worth of digital content — social posts, emails and text messages — based on the restaurant's activities and trends.

"It turns them into editor-in-chief," Sweeney says, and allows restaurant owners to approve or edit content without starting from scratch.

The result? Faster, cheaper and more effective content that consistently outperforms manually created alternatives.

Sweeney proudly points out that Popmenu was already leveraging AI well before the rise of generative tools like ChatGPT, positioning it perfectly to integrate these new technologies.

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In addition to digital innovation, Popmenu co-founder and chief operating officer Roy emphasizes the importance of industry events — such as the National Restaurant Association Show, where it erected its own speakeasy — for staying connected and visible in the industry.

"We do it to learn, to meet with as many people as possible, whether it's partners or clients," Roy says. "We love shows. I would do more of them," he admits, recognizing the tangible benefits these gatherings bring, including the chance to interact directly with potential clients and partners.

Together, Sweeney and Roy are not just responding to the challenges facing modern restaurants — they are proactively leading the charge, equipping businesses with the tools and strategies needed to thrive in a world where technology and engagement are critical to success.

"It is about getting in front of your fans and your potential fans as many times as possible," Sweeney says. "Not being afraid, not being shy, not thinking you have to be perfect constantly."

And when you add artificial intelligence into the recipe?

"The orders just follow."

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About Restaurant Influencers

Restaurant Influencers is brought to you by Toast, the powerful restaurant point-of-sale and management system that helps restaurants improve operations, increase sales and create a better guest experience.

Toast — Powering Successful Restaurants. Learn more about Toast.

Shawn P. Walchef

Founder of Cali BBQ Media

“Be the show, not the commercial.”

Cali BBQ Media Founder Shawn Walchef helps brands and leaders leverage the new Business Creator Economy with strategic Smartphone Storytelling and Digital Hospitality.

His Cali BBQ restaurant company has generated more than $35 million since opening in 2008. They operate numerous locations in San Diego and beyond.

Shawn’s weekly video series Restaurant Influencers (published by Entrepreneur Media and produced by Cali BBQ Media) has been seen by over 25 million people.

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