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Salesfrce is the #1 CRM platform for businesses of all sizes. Salesforce provides out-of-the-box solutions that let growing businesses easily implement cutting-edge technology and connect all of the solutions that are important to them. 

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Business News

5 Ways to Woo Customers With Special Attention

Adding personalized touches to customer interactions can help not only develop a strong relationship but also snag future sales.

Business News

How to Deal With Headache-Inducing Customers

While most customers are happy when companies offer solutions and try to help , there are a few types of customers who will never be happy. Here is how to deal with them.

Business News

4 Ways Managers Mess Up Sales Contests

Sales contests are supposed to provide motivation for employees to increase sales, customers and profits. But if done incorrectly, they can do more harm than good.

Business News

4 Tips for Preparing Your Business to Grow

Who doesn't want her business to scale? But getting enough customers to make your company sustainable can be challenging. Here are a few ways to make the process a bit easier.

Business News

8 Simple Steps to Create a Powerful Presentation

If not done correctly, presentations can me a huge waste of time for your audience. Here are eight ways to make a presentation more engaging -- and more memorable.

Business News

4 Common Customer-Service Obstacles (And How to Fix Them)

Customer service can make or break a company. Don't fall into the trap of delivering sub-par service, which could result in your company's future going down the drain.