5g: Page 3
How the Pandemic Rapidly Transformed the Slow-Moving Telco Industry
Like so many industries, those focused on telecommunications had to adapt -- and quickly -- to changing circumstances and consumer expectations.
Cómo la pandemia transformó rápidamente la lenta industria de las telecomunicaciones
Como tantas industrias, las que se centran en las telecomunicaciones tuvieron que adaptarse, y rápidamente, a las circunstancias cambiantes y las expectativas de los consumidores.
AR and VR Will Lead the Way in a Post-Pandemic World
The question shouldn't be whether to adopt advanced technologies, but how. Here are three ways.
La realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual liderarán el camino en un mundo pospandémico
La pregunta no debería ser si adoptar tecnologías avanzadas, sino cómo. Aquí hay tres formas.
4 Future Trends That Represent Massive Opportunity
Trends like 5G, autonomous vehicles and ghost kitchens are a natural evolution in our habits as consumers and sellers.
მაგთიკომმა 5G სატესტო რეჟიმში გაუშვა
ქსელში ხორციელდება მე-5 თაობის სადგურების ტესტირება, სადაც ტექნოლოგიური სიჩქარეები, რომელიც ასახავს ფიჭის გამტარუნარიანობას, 20-25 გიგაბიტ წამამდე მერყეობს
What Does It Mean To Be Truly Digital? A Global Crisis Exposes The Cracks
Economies hitherto almost entirely reliant on a single commodity are now boasting burgeoning and increasingly thriving tech ecosystems. But in many ways, we are still behind the curve.
Sherwood Forest to Become World's First 5G-Connected Forest
The home of Robin Hood is set to feature 3D and 4D virtual reality experiences, semi-autonomous vehicles, and drones and robots to help 'survey and monitor the health of the forest.'
12 Cybersecurity Predictions To Watch Out For In 2020
Let's not forget that a learned assumption based on experiences gained so far backed with reliable big data is no more a mere random prediction; it's bound to be the fact.
5G - A New Generation, A New Direction
The vastly enhanced performance of 5G will bring benefits far beyond faster streaming and improved entertainment or gaming. Set to alter the way we navigate our daily lives, this advance marks a paradigm shift, not merely a generational one
3 Ways to Prepare Your Startup for a 5G World
If you want to reap the full benefits, start readying now.
Why 5G May Shape the Future for Founders in Asia Pacific
Experts say 5G will be a foundational technology, like electricity
Google Explains Why the Pixel 4 Is Not a 5G Phone
Though 5G technology will still fit into Google's long-term plans.
How to Cherry-pick a Content Delivery Network Consistent With Today's Internet & Also for the Future
Whether it's your website, mobile apps, videos, music, software or games, your content needs to reach customers quickly, reliably, and securely. This quick delivery, reliability, and security is provided by CDNs
Here's the World's First Country to Launch 5G Services
South Korean operator SK Telecom selected the Korean leaders in various fields as the world's first 5G subscribers