Burnout: Page 3


¿Preocupado por el agotamiento de un compañero de trabajo? Así es cómo puedes abordar el tema de manera segura y con tacto

El agotamiento o burnout afecta la mentalidad de una persona y su percepción de los eventos, lo que resulta en comportamientos inusuales, como arrebatos de ira o retraimiento.


Concerned About a Coworker's Burnout? Here's How to Approach the Topic Safely and Tactfully

Burnout affects a person's mindset and perception of events, resulting in uncharacteristic behavior, such as temper tantrums or withdrawal.


Burnout Is Not Preventable — Here's How to Address Its Underlying Cause Instead

Burnout cannot be prevented with sabbaticals or self-care regimens because most of it is rooted in unresolved trauma. Instead, it requires healing and integration of past emotional wounds to increase self-worth and self-value, the ability to set healthy boundaries and a clearer vision and commitment to how we want to live and lead.


Workplace Issues Often Trickle Down From the Top. Have You Tried These 3 Ways to Fix Your Biggest Challenges?

Employee stress, burnout and engagement problems are often symptoms of a top-down management structure issue — that's why bottom-up change is the solution. Check out these three ways to restructure your management and watch your productivity — and team engagement — improve.


6 Ways to Lead Teams from Burnout to Performance

From promoting work-life balance and the power of saying "no" to setting positive boundaries, how to improve team results and overall well-being.


I Was Experiencing Extreme Burnout Until I Practiced These 3 Things to Come Out Stronger

Learn how to fight mental burnout and become a better entrepreneur with these three simple practices that most already know but often forget about.


'Bare Minimum Mondays' Could Mean Productivity 'Hell' for the Rest of the Week, Expert Warns — Here's How to Prevent It

Executive coach and Merging Path CEO Brooks E. Scott reveals what employers should do to stop burnout before it starts.


5 Ways to Mitigate Tech Employee Fatigue in 2023

Here are five things tech employers can do to combat workplace fatigue and burnout among employees.

Starting a Business

Boost Your Solopreneur Business with These 3 Proven Tips

Make money, save time and avoid burnout.


4 Specific Ways Leaders Can Strike a Healthy Work-Life Balance and Avoid Burnout

Reductions in the workforce can make leaders feel like they have to fill in productivity gaps, spending too much time working and far too little time on their needs. Here's how leaders can make sure they're taking care of themselves.

Thought Leaders

3 Insights From the First Large-Scale Study on Burnout and Entrepreneurs

Researchers found autonomy and "psychological utility" are linked to happiness, while having a team increases your risk of burnout.


5 Proven (and Simple) Tips for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Social Media Burnout

Learn five practical and easy-to-follow tips for entrepreneurs to avoid burnout from social media.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways You Can Be Successful Without Falling into the 'Hustle Culture' Trap

Don't buy into the hype. Here's why you need to push back on the temptation to overwork


Here's the Problem With How We Address Burnout

The issue with how we approach burnout — and what we should be doing instead


Use These 4 Self-Care Rituals for More Resilience and Less Depletion

Burnout is very real, however, it can be avoided through simple self-care rituals.