Clients: Page 10

Social Media

How LinkedIn Has Killed Your Book of Business

There has been a paradigm shift in what is important to protect at companies.

Business News

5 Don'ts When Engaging Clients Online

Whether you want prospective clients to engage with your business, it's important to recognize the types of online behavior that discourage potential client involvement.

Growing a Business

Adopt 4 Tactics to Turn 2015 Into a Launchpad for Productivity

Elite performers -- whether fighter pilots, actors or athletes -- spend time visualizing processes, ticking off items on checklists and predicting obstacles, all in their mind.

Social Media

How to Find the Most Fascinating People on LinkedIn

So Barbara Walters created her list of 2014's most fascinating people. Here's an overview by another Walters, a publicist with ideas how to maximize this social-media tool to your benefit in 2015.

Business News

10 Tips to Find and Win the Best Clients

The keys to bringing in the business that is most beneficial is to know whom you are looking for and what they are looking for.

Growing a Business

Why 2014 Has Been a Good Year -- and Next Year May Be Even Better

Economic and technology improvements have given professional services companies much to appreciate.


Host a Delightful Dinner Party for Clients and Colleagues

Put out a bit of you, showcasing your home, cooking and entertainment style and watch the business relationship grow. Here's how to pull off a complete evening.

Business News

6 Ways to Land Your First Client

As a new entrepreneur, to obtain referrals you have to have clients. But where do you get started?

Science & Technology

What Monsters Are Lurking in Your Team's Inboxes?

Companies need not search through scary amounts of emails and attachments to find a valuable client communication.


Skip the Reluctant Customers. Start Resonating With the Right Crowd.

You don't want the clients that are hard sells.

Business News

7 Ways to Deal With an Unresponsive Client

If a client isn't responding to your emails, what do you do? Consider picking up the phone, or perhaps, revising your work.

Growing a Business

The Essential Script for Releasing a Client

It's awkward, but knowing how to say adieu to a problem customer can make all the difference.

Business News

3 Powerful Ways to Say 'Thank You'

A simple note of appreciation can go a long way with employees and clients alike. Here's how to do it right.

Growing a Business

5 Important Rules for Navigating Social Interactions With Clients

No matter how close you are to a professional contact, always be on your best behavior and do not share too much information.

Growing a Business

How to Handle Large Changes in Sales Volume

The easiest way to wrest back control over a roller-coaster sales cycle is by managing the pricing of your products or services.