Cloud Computing: Page 9

Starting a Business

My Customers Showed Me the Door. Here's How I Won Them Back.

Five tips for translating tectonic market shifts into startup opportunity by delivering what customers want.

Business News

Apple Confirms it Uses Google Cloud for iCloud

The Cupertino tech giant is now using Google's Cloud Platform, in addition to Amazon's S3 service, to store encrypted iCloud data.


Top Trends That will Change the Way We Interact With Technology

2018 will see a boom in conversational interface development with more and more developers creating Alexa skills, Google actions, and Apple Home Kit automations that can be used by the respective ecosystems

Growth Strategies

Key Trends in Business Analysis to Leverage for Exponential Business Growth

Cloud has emerged as the most prudent solution to enhance organizational agility and efficiency

Science & Technology

15 Tips, Hacks and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Google Photos

Stop worrying about storage limits and scrolling endlessly to find old memories.

Data & Recovery

5 Crazy Things We Learned About Google Today

On Alphabet's earnings call for the last quarter of 2017, the company revealed some eye-opening stats and made some big statements.


Importance and Benefits of Enterprise Application Integration for Businesses

Enterprise Application Integrations provide different mechanisms for a better controlling of information flow

Business News

Amazon Web Services Announces 'Secret Region' for U.S. Intelligence Work

The U.S. Intelligence Community now has its own air-gapped region of Amazon's cloud for workloads up to Secret U.S. security classification.

Science & Technology

The Cloud, Then and Now (Infographic)

How the breakthrough idea of remote storage has quietly transformed the internet as we know it.


From e-Retail to Cloud Services: Amazon is on Overdrive to Beat Flipkart

"You name a sector, and it is driven by cloud-based platforms as this is the future of business."


This Entrepreneur is Using Technology to Boost Security at ATMs

He cites fog computing to be the next big thing after cloud computing


#9 Factors to Consider While Building Your Very Own HR Bot

Chatbot with specialized domain training is a must that helps in quickly deploying a well-trained and tested brain

Science & Technology

Break Free of Location Restrictions With Cloud Computing

The future of computing is in the cloud. For companies that don't want to be left behind, here are three tips for transitioning.

Science & Technology

3 Steps to Take to Start Transitioning Your Business to SaaS

People are often averse to change, but businesses can't afford to be if they want to remain competitive.


How can SMEs Benefit from Cloud-based ERP Solution

Cloud ERP solution does not require a substantial initial investment