Compensation and Benefits: Page 2

Operations & Logistics

Top 4 HR Management Tools for Businesses of Any Size

Employees need to know what resources and benefits are available to them and how they can access them, regardless of where they are working.

Business News

The 100 Companies with the Best Compensation in 2020

Here are the workplaces where employees are most satisfied with their pay, raises and bonus structure.


7 Workplace Injuries That Can Put You Out of Business

Workers' comp is designed to protect employees, so what is there for employers to learn?


5 Benefits All Startups Should Offer in 2020

To compete for the best talent, get creative with compensation packages.

News and Trends

How Organizations are Revamping HR Policies to Suit the Changing Demographics of the Workforce

Employers once ruled the market with the privilege of being able to hire the best candidate, the priorities have changed--with a focus more on development, transparency and work-life balance


3 Ways to Attract Top Freelancers to Your Company

Are you unwittingly turning away some of the top freelance talent in the market? Make a few changes to improve your freelancer friendliness.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

11 Proven Ways Young Entrepreneurs Can Retain Employees

Everybody conducts exit interviews but a better retention strategy includes asking people why they stay.


New Study: Health Care Is Freelancers' Biggest Concern

Freelancers want laws that promote more flexible working conditions, a more equitable tax system and higher wages.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Help Your Team Members Succeed (Especially When They're Tempted to Leave)

Help that valued employee being lured by another opportunity think through what they are leaving behind.


Why a Generous Paternity Leave Policy Can Be Bad for Equality

Gender-neutral parental leave policies can be great for women -- but only if fathers take full advantage of the time off.


Here's a Very Simple Solution to the Mystery of Why You Can't Find Employees

Start offering more money and better benefits.

Growing a Business

If You're Doing These 7 Things, You Desperately Deserve a Pay Raise

Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it's about time you sat down with your boss for a serious discussion.


Why Paying Your Team Members the Way Tesla Pays Elon Musk Will Improve Their Performance

The unconventional compensation plan provides incentives to drive results and stick around.


Helping and Inspiring Hope Distinguishes Exceptional Leadership

Employees thrive when they are valued and have a path to follow.


5 Cost-Effective Strategies for Better Benefits Enrollment

Creating a benefits enrollment process that is clear, concise and tailored to your business will simplify the process for employers and their workforce.