Computers: Page 8

Science & Technology

Classroom Tech Delivers 'No Noticeable Improvement' in Student Performance, Study Finds

A global report released today by the OECD found that students who use computers 'very frequently' at school do much worse than those who use them rarely.

Business News

Today Is the 20th Anniversary of Windows 95

Microsoft changed the world with this product.

Science & Technology

How a Developer Boot Camp Marched Its Way to Millions

A hands-on continuing education model for software engineers takes off.

Business News

9 Portable Hard Drives That Are Worth the Money

With all our computers, phones and cameras, we create a lot of data. Which means we can all use some extra data storage.

Business News

'Mysterious Woman' Throws Out Vintage Apple Computer Worth $200,000

The Silicon Valley recycling company that owns the center where the woman deposited the computer is searching for her in order to give her half the proceeds from its recent sale.

Business News

Style and Function: 7 Keyboards That Are Worth Buying

When you consider how much time we spend in front of our computers, having the best keyboard makes a lot of sense.


6 Crazy Awesome Tech Products on Kickstarter Right Now

From a $9 computer to a ridiculously smart trash can, here are the coolest projects on the crowdfunding platform right now.


This Tiny $9 Computer Blazed Past the Million-Dollar Mark on Kickstarter

C.H.I.P. is a credit card-sized computing powerhouse that does quite a lot for so little.

Science & Technology

Computers Are Probably Making Us Nearsighted

A new study finds that myopia is increasing across Europe, with the problem nearly twice as common in those ages 25 and 29 when compared with the general population.

Business News

Apple Announces New MacBook, Less Expensive Apple TV

The new smartwatch wasn't the only star of Apple's "Spring Forward" event Monday.

Science & Technology

New Office Tech You're Going to Crave This Year

From a desktop computer that fits in your pocket, to a desk that keeps you moving, this might be the year to update your office technology.


Historic Papers From This Famous Scientist Were Hidden...Where?

Sometimes even the smartest people do the darndest things.

Business News

Microsoft Profit Falls on Sluggish Demand for Windows

The tech company also struggled with the impact of the strong U.S. dollar.

Science & Technology

Everything You Need to Know About Using Videos on Your Website

If you're thinking of introducing video onto your webpage, read this first.

Business News

This Company Is Squeezing an Entire Computer Into a Mouse -- All You Need Is a Monitor

A Polish tinkerer has created the ultimate compact PC - one that's small enough to fit inside a conventional mouse.