Contracts: Page 6

Growing a Business

Do Non-Compete Agreements Work?

Protect yourself against competition from ex-workers.

Growing a Business

Great Debate

How to disagree without being disagreeable

Growing a Business

Making a List

An agenda lets you negotiate with confidence.

Growing a Business

Who's Gonna Pay Your Legal Fees?

When writing contracts, follow these tips for determining who should be responsible for legal fees.

Growing a Business

Avoiding Contract Disputes

Notarizing signatures is one way to protect your business when contracts are involved.

Growing a Business

Keep 'Em Coming

A deal that goes smoothly just might lead to future opportunities. Here's how to pave the way.

Growing a Business

Letting a New Partner "Earn" Their Way In

How to set up an earn-in agreement to the benefit of both you and your co-owner

Growing a Business

Word Games

Beware of ambiguous language in your contracts, and you'll avoid the headache of court battles.

Growing a Business

.And Arbitrated Justice For All

So long court: The scales have tipped in favor of alternative dispute resolution.