Contracts: Page 6
Putting Your Oral Agreement in Writing
A reliance letter can put teeth in an oral agreement.
Do Non-Compete Agreements Work?
Protect yourself against competition from ex-workers.
Who's Gonna Pay Your Legal Fees?
When writing contracts, follow these tips for determining who should be responsible for legal fees.
Avoiding Contract Disputes
Notarizing signatures is one way to protect your business when contracts are involved.
Keep 'Em Coming
A deal that goes smoothly just might lead to future opportunities. Here's how to pave the way.
Letting a New Partner "Earn" Their Way In
How to set up an earn-in agreement to the benefit of both you and your co-owner
Word Games
Beware of ambiguous language in your contracts, and you'll avoid the headache of court battles.
.And Arbitrated Justice For All
So long court: The scales have tipped in favor of alternative dispute resolution.