Customer Feedback: Page 2

Social Media

3 Ways to Authentically Brand Yourself as Customer Friendly

Three strategies to improve your customer experience and create a brand of CX excellence

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Use Customer Feedback for Business Innovation

Innovation is as much about understanding customer needs as it is about passion, and customer feedback is essential to entrepreneurs. Here are four ways to use customer feedback to improve businesses.


The Market is Evolving, Your Marketing Strategy Should Too

The world is changing quickly, and so is the overall marketplace. Here are three fundamental tenets to ensure companies can evolve alongside their market and succeed in their business efforts.

Growing a Business

How to Turn Strangers into Loyal Customers With User Onboarding

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. User onboarding highlights the value of your product, enables users to get the most out of your solution and reduces the number of customer support tickets.


If You Really Want to Understand Customer Needs, Avoid Surveys

Most surveys provide little value to understanding customers and can lead you down the wrong path for your business with a false sense of security. Here's what to do instead, and how to use surveys properly if you absolutely have to.

Growing a Business

8 Ways Your Startup Can Master Sales and Growth

Proven methods of making a new enterprise a mover in your sector.

Growing a Business

4 Reasons to Walk a Mile in Your Customers' Shoes (And How to Do It)

Why you should get your customers' perspectives, and how it will help with the success of your business.

Growing a Business

How to Grow Your Business by 500%

There may not be a "one size fits all" formula for success, but these proven-by-experience strategies will help you achieve dramatic and consistent growth.

Growth Strategies

Building A Successful Omni-Channel Customer Experience Strategy: The How-To

As a business looking to survive and thrive in this dynamic, fast-paced environment, you have to adapt and constantly readjust your value proposition to sustain a competitive advantage.

Thought Leaders

How To Maintain a Relationship With Your Customers by Learning What They Need

How confident are you in your connection to what your customers need?

Thought Leaders

Are You Really Listening to Your Customers? Probably Not, But You Should.

Customers will tell you what they want. You need to be willing to hear it.

Growing a Business

Want Customers To Stick Around? Get Their Feedback From Day 1 (and Keep Doing It)

Inviting customer feedback is key to the growth of many companies, but getting that feedback early enough to enhance your product is the real secret to success.

Money & Finance

How to Improve Customer Billing

Eight strategies to help meet your multiple billing goals simultaneously.


3 Ways You Can Let Your Customers' Stories Speak for Your Brand

In today's market, singing your own praises can only go so far. Evangelize your customers to speak on your behalf to stay competitive.