Customer Feedback: Page 8

Growing a Business

3 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Designers

Successful entrepreneurs have an additional role they play: that of a chief designer.

Business Ideas

Don't Be Afraid to Embrace Boring Ideas

Kikkerland's annual design competition results in an unexpected bestseller.


How Online Surveys in Market Research are Driving Change

Online surveys are replacing telephone or traditional pen & paper interviews as the dominant data collection tool

Growing a Business

Marketing Growth Hacks for the 'Fake News' Era

To be trusted, engage with your audience. And let your consumers do the talking.

Business Ideas

The 3-Step Approach for Testing Out Your Business Idea

Here's how to learn the most from your potential customers and get honest feedback.

Growing a Business

How Listening to All Customer Feedback Could Destroy Your Product

If you incorporate too much feedback, you might end up with a bulky product that you spent way more time on than you should have for very little return.

Starting a Business

When to Selectively Listen to Feedback and Ignore What Users Say

While gauging user feedback is definitely important, entrepreneurs need to both listen to what users say, and selectively ignore them.

Growing a Business

5 Reasons You Should Ask Your Clients for a Performance Review

Annual performance reviews can promote continuous improvement and help protect relationships against competitive threats.


How to Use Reviews to Grow Your Business

Do you even ask your customers for reviews? Because there's a good chance you won't get what you don't ask for.

Thought Leaders

6 Lifelines That Could Save Your Failing Business

Do you know why your company's in trouble? Go back to the drawing board for a fresh approach -- and ask for help when you need it.


Why Henry Ford's Most Famous Quote Is Dead Wrong

If Ford had asked people what they wanted, would they really have said 'faster horses?'

Growing a Business

Why Your Customers Deserve Personalized Responses on Social Media

Customers are satisfied knowing that someone is listening to them, and, there, social media can be better than phone calls and email.

Growth Strategies

3 Tips to Sky Rocket Your Sales & Customer Acquisition with External Funding

Develop something which your customers are looking for. Don't develop assuming they will like it because it has 100 features and sharing options.


This Entrepreneur is Providing a Convenient Experience to the Customers

Having investors like Ratan Tata and Unilazer Ventures on board, the company is seeing 35 per cent growth in revenues month on month.


4 Assumptions Needed to Deliver 5-Star Customer Service

If you hear from a customer, it's probably not because they are happy.