

Why You Should Adapt Your Marketing Strategy to Accommodate Social Media's Demographics

Let's explore social media demographics and why you should adapt your marketing strategy to accommodate these segments in 2024.


Unpacking the Black Demographic Shift and Why Marketers Must Re-Examine Their Strategies

Why marketers must adopt new approaches that acknowledge and celebrate the rich diversity of this expanding demographic.


The Importance of Building Personas for Your Business

Personas are crucial to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing budget. Find out how exactly they can help your business and why you should take the time to build them.

Growing a Business

U.S. Hispanic Consumers: A Demographic Revolution in the Corporate World

COVID-19 taught us the importance of proper planning, market research and, most importantly, having a deeper understanding of the consumers we serve.

Business Ideas

How to Compete in a Competitive Industry

If you can come up with a truly unique idea, this is a gateway to success with enormous potential. With no competition, you'd have exclusive access to your target customers. But truly unique ideas are rare.

News and Trends

How Organizations are Revamping Their HR Policies to Suit the Changing Demographics of the Workforce

With the change in the composition of the workforce and their preferences, existing engagement models may not remain relevant for long

Growth Strategies

Exploring Cricket Advertising- The Programmatic Way

While digitization is a wonderful thing for the advertising world, here's the challenging part

Social Media

Why Influencer Marketing is the Game Changer for Business

Influencer marketing is a product of many content-driven campaigns that have characterised the digital era up to this point


Things to Keep In Mind While Creating a Product for a Niche Market

High degree of detail and attention to clients' needs and requirements is the core of niche marketing.


All I Know About Marketing I Learned From Margaritas

Singer Jimmy Buffett can teach us all how to build a brand and engage our customers.


Seniors Are a Huge Market but Stop Trying to Scare Them Into Buying

Fear-based marketing to seniors was probably already outdated in the days of "I've fallen and can't get up."


Never Say 'Millennials' Again -- They're Not a Single Demographic!

It's time to ditch the millennial demographic. Instead, focus on them as individuals, and market accordingly.

Social Media

Why Instagram Won 2016 and Snapchat Didn't

A robust set of specialty features and high-quality content make Instagram a smart fit for business and equally fun for downtime. Here's how the platform is expanding its reach across different demographics.


Most Grads Say College Taught Them Few Critical Thinking Skills

Millennials find that what they learned getting their degree is only the beginning of what they need to know to succeed in the workplace.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Make Your Office Millennial Friendly

Your company can no longer afford to ignore what this demographic wants.