Direct Marketing: Page 3


Want to Create the Holy Grail of Mailing Lists? Follow These 5 Tips.

Entrepreneurs looking to create a successful email campaign must have a top-notch mailing list.


Your Direct Mail May Go Directly in the Trash If You Make These 4 Mistakes

These pitfalls will cost you money and not earn you sales, and worse, may make you look bad to potential customers.


3 Ways to Make an Offer Your Prospects Can't Refuse

By playing up certain things in your direct mail, you will increase the chances of customers making a purchase.


The 7 Key Parts of an Effective Direct Mail Sales Piece

When writing your direct mail sales piece, be sure to include and pay particular attention to these seven parts of your letter.

Growing a Business

The 4 Elements of a Stellar Sales Piece

The most effective direct mail sales pieces follow a formula in format and length. Discover the secret to direct mail success.

Science & Technology

10 Apologies I Will Never Again Make as a Startup CEO

A woman entrepreneur shares her unconventional launch experience, not fitting the typical tech-entrepreneur mold, as a marketer not a programmer.


19 Steps to a Successful Direct Mail Campaign Timeline

Find out exactly what steps to take and in what order so that your campaign will go off without a hitch.


Two Essential Direct Mail Reports That Will Save You Thousands

Using these two reports will help you get the most deductions from your list broker.


Cleaning Up Your Mailing List

Find out how merge purge and data hygiene can increase your sales and save you thousands of dollars.


4 Ways to Increase Your Direct Mail Sales

After you've completed a few successful direct mail campaigns, use these four methods to build your sales.


How to Find the Right Mailing List

A direct mail expert explains exactly what types of mailing lists are out there and how to choose the best ones.

Starting a Business

6 Tips for Creating an Effective Internet Direct Mail Campaign

Getting direct mail prospects to visit your site isn't hard if you follow this direct mail expert's advice.

Starting a Business

How to Choose the Best Printer for Your Direct Mail Campaign

These tips can help you choose the printer whose product and service will meet your needs.


6 Attention-Grabbing Direct Mail Designs

When planning your direct mail campaign, choosing the right design is crucial. These tips can help you select the one that works best for you.


5 Tips for Producing Direct Mail Copy That Sells

These strategies will help you craft a direct mail piece that will connect with your customer.