Discrimination: Page 2

Resumes & Interviewing

4 Ways Ghosting Job Seekers Perpetuates Oppression

The practice of ignoring someone who is seeking employment with your company can be very harmful to your company and to the applicant. Here's why. Plus, what to do instead.

Business News

Addressing the Reality of Funding Discrimination Against LGBTQ Entrepreneurs

There is still significant pushback against the normalization of the LGBTQ community.

Business News

India's 'Untouchable' Dalits Find Liberation in American Entrepreneurship

Dalits, the lowest caste in the Hindu hierarchy, are victims of thousands of attacks in India each year. In the U.S., Dalit immigrants are escaping discrimination by creating their own businesses.

Business News

Black Ex-Franchisees Sue McDonald's In Racial Discrimination Case

52 Black ex-franchisees file a $1 billion racial-discrimination lawsuit against McDonald's, claiming the company sent them on 'financial suicide missions'

Money & Finance

7 Helpful Financing Options for LGBTQ+ Entrepreneurs

Discrimination and disadvantages have been the norm, but that is beginning to change.

Business News

Sports Talk in the Office Could Be Discriminatory Against Women

Is it, as one HR expert suggests, a "gateway to more laddish behavior"?

Growing a Business

The LGBTQ+ Community Has $3.7 Trillion In Purchasing Power; Here's How We Want You to Sell to Us.

For businesses, Pride Month should be about more than slapping up a rainbow and calling it a day.

Business News

Of Manbuns and Microbraids: 'Hair Discrimination' in the Workplace. What Business Owners Need to Know.

New York City and California have now turned on its head (no pun intended) the concept of what a professional work appearance is.

News and Trends

Ageism at Workplace: The Discrimination no-one Talks About

Behind this subtle yet powerful discrimination are a series of myths associated with age and we need to address

Thought Leaders

Ageism and the Gender Pay Gap: Why Getting Older Can Be Problematic for Women

The U.S. workforce as a whole is getting older. Can we afford to discriminate against people, particularly women, on the basis of age?


How Women Can Help Boost Global Economy By $6 Trillion

If countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development caught up to Sweden's female employment rate, they would see huge financial gains, says PwC research

News and Trends

The Future of Female Entrepreneurship in Asia

It is being regarded as one of the key drivers of economic growth and sustainable development

Women Entrepreneur®

How this Asian Woman Entrepreneur is Redefining the World of Venture Capital

Pocket Sun, the 27-year-old co-founder of multi-million dollar VC firm SoGal, wants to better gender dynamics


Correcting and Dispelling the Myths About Diversity and Inclusion Hiring -- 4 Experts Weigh in

You've probably heard the myth about the 'pipeline problem' blocking efforts at increasing diversity. Here's the truth about that.