Discrimination: Page 5

Resumes & Interviewing

Hiring Requires Choices and Not Every Choice Is 'Discrimination'

Even the fairest of employers knows that, for some jobs, gender, age and physical ability are valid reasons for hiring one person and not another.


Why Bumble's Anti-Bullying Open Letter to a Male User Is Totally on Brand

The feminist dating app's opposition to traditional gender roles goes beyond who makes the first move.

Business News

Target to Allow Transgender People to Use Bathroom of Their Choice

The retailer says that it stands for inclusivity and equality.

Business News

Big Business Leaders Urge Repeal of Mississippi Law Opposed by LGBT Community

'The business community, by and large, has consistently communicated to lawmakers at every level that such laws are bad for our employees and bad for business.'


Leaders Need These 8 Guardrails for Dealing With Workplace Political Discussions

'Too old'? 'Too religious'? 'Too gay'? These discussions are absolute no-nos.

Resumes & Interviewing

5 Ways to Make Your Company's Hiring Process More Fair

Allegations from a special needs applicant in Pennsylvania illustrate ongoing concerns about job discrimination.


5 Things You Need to Know About Web Accessibility

With litigation under the Americans with Disabilities Act on the rise, companies should be adding web accessibility to their list of top priorities for 2016.

Business News

Oregon Bakery Pays $144,000 After Refusing Service to Same-Sex Couple

The bakery owners were found to be in violation of anti-discrimination laws because their bakery was not registered as a religious institution.

Business News

How One Fashion Worker's Pronunciation of 'Bra' Sparked a Workplace Lawsuit

The employee claims her assistant and co-workers frequently mocked how she pronounced words like 'lunch,' 'buyer,' 'arrow' and, especially, 'bra.'


What Businesses in NYC Need to Know About Discrimination Against Transgender Workers

The city recently released updated guidelines on what actions are considered discrimination.

Thought Leaders

Leave Biases Behind. Why Can't We Just Ignore Our Differences?

Prejudice does not discriminate. But as entrepreneurs, we celebrate defying norms, so this shouldn't be an issue.

Resumes & Interviewing

Effective Background Checks: 5 Factors to Consider

Sometimes a potential employee isn't all he or she seems to be. Proper screening is a must.

Business News

Health-Care Franchise Under Fire for Classified Ad Stating 'No Haitians' Need Apply

Local legislators have called for an investigation by the New York State Department of Labor and the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.

Business News

Ellen Pao Won't Appeal Gender Discrimination Trial Verdict

The former venture capitalist, who recently resigned as CEO of Reddit, says she wants to 'move forward.'

Growing a Business

Why You Should Discriminate Amongst Customers, and Be Proud of It

Although we all want to feel that every customer is equal and loved, the fact is that all customers are not equal or loved.