Entrepreneurial Psychology: Page 3


'Entrepreneurial ADHD' and How to Deal With It

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can actually be an advantage if you're an entrepreneur.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Think Differently

The same things are in front of us all but not everybody sees them the same way.

Growing a Business

Train Your Brain to See Better Choices Than Fight-or-Flight

Viewing circumstances in the most plausibly optimistic way possible expands what we see as possible.


6 Common Barriers to Happiness and Productivity for Men

We need to recognize that men are humans, too, and have emotions.

Making a Change

5 Questions to Help You Find Out Why You Really Want to Be an Entrepreneur

Your strongest motivations arise from the things that are the source of your happiness or that protect you from primal fears. Explore them.

Making a Change

4 Ways to Weather Professional Storms

Reflecting on past wins -- and losses -- and challenging yourself physically can get you over any bump in the road.

Thought Leaders

11 Mindsets Learned in Prison Made Me Mentally Unstoppable

A disciplined mind focused on a worthy goal can rise above any circumstance and overcome every obstacle.

Thought Leaders

Be Ready to Pounce When You Finally Hear 'Yes' for the First Time

The people who succeed as entrepreneurs are the ones who could not be worn down no matter how many times they heard "no.''

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Want to Quit

Just because something has got to give doesn't mean you're doing everything wrong.

Making a Change

Forget Your Team. How to Motivate Yourself to Succeed.

Without working on your own ambition and happiness, you can't possibly be an effective leader.

Making a Change

Here's How Your Goals Are Holding You Back From Success

We need to switch our attention away from the future and focus on today.

Thought Leaders

12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset

If you want to start a business and you can relate to these traits, go for it!


The Truth About 'Fake It 'Til You Make It'

The way to boost confidence and create positive outcomes is to be prepared, take risks, and learn through experience.

Growing a Business

3 Struggles Entrepreneurs Are Afraid to Admit

Overcoming what is holding you back requires first admitting that something is holding you back.

Thought Leaders

The Key to Success Is Knowing That Failing Doesn't Make You a Failure

Neither fear failure nor deny the possibility. It's just another part of the journey.