Entrepreneurial Psychology: Page 4

Thought Leaders

4 Excuses Holding You Back From Being an Entrepreneur

Everybody is scared to leave their cozy job and nobody starts a business with enough money. Overcoming those worries is what makes an entrepreneur.


You'll Market Better and Be More Persuasive Knowing These 10 Brain Facts

Science is unlocking how we humans interpret the world and each other, giving rise to a new approach to sales with the fancy title 'neuromarketing.'

Thought Leaders

From Dreaming to Succeeding, the 12 Phases of Entrepreneurship

When you know it's crazy to quit your job to start a business but you do it anyway, you're on your way.

Thought Leaders

Build Your Business on Your Strengths, Hire Your Team to Cover Your Weaknesses

The key to your success as an entrepreneur is sufficient introspection to learn what you are good at and what you need help with.


The Psychological Benefits of Writing: Why Richard Branson and Warren Buffett Write Regularly

Writing is thought put to page, which makes all of us writers -- even if we don't have the chops to spin beautiful prose.

Making a Change

4 Tips for Maintaining Balanced Motivation

Entrepreneurs crave motivation for the grueling trek from great idea to real business but, unless we use it well, what feels like motivation is risky impulse.

Business News

Why You Should Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Doing things that make us uncomfortable aren't fun, but they're absolutely necessary. YE business coach Antonio Neves explains.

Business News

Learning to Embrace Failure

A young entrepreneur's ability to embrace failure is paramount to his or her long-term success in business.