Exit Strategies: Page 2
So You Sold Your First Business and Now You're Starting a New One — Here's How to Make Sure It's a Success.
Starting a second company after selling your first can be daunting, but it's also an exciting opportunity to prove yourself and create something amazing.
How to Prepare for a Successful Exit
Founders and top executives are often obsessed with exits, and rightly so. A strategic exit is the key to a senior executive's successful professional future.
Behind The Scenes Of Saudi Fintech Startup Hala's Acquisition Of UAE-Based Online Payment Platform Paymennt
Paymennt co-founder Tarek Ghobar believes his entreprise is well-positioned to contribute towards Hala's vision of becoming a one-stop-shop for SMEs.
5 Steps to Prepare Future You for Selling Your Online Business
Here are five important steps to prepare you for selling your business.
When Should Business Owners Start Developing an Exit Plan? Here's What You Need to Know.
Here's why business owners should plan their exits ahead of time and some tips for how to plan properly.
Here's How To Make a Graceful Exit When Your Startup Fails
Failure is always a possibility when an entrepreneur launches a new venture. More than that, it's quite likely. Here's how to handle the process of shutting down a startup.
Thinking of Selling Your Franchise to a Private Equity Firm? Here Are 9 Ways to Build a Valuable Reputation
Private equity (PE) firms are watching your franchise business — right now. If you want to eventually exit via a private equity buy-out, you must build a valuable reputation.
3 Factors to Consider Before Exiting Your Startup
Here are a few key elements to consider before making the decision to exit your startup.
Starting a Business? You Should Already Be Thinking About Your Exit Strategy. Here's Why.
Planning for a profitable sale should start even before you open your company.
4 Go-To Moves to Help Start Your Exit Strategy Now
Here's why you, as a founder, should map your business exit strategy now, even if you're not leaving anytime soon.
Exit Planning for Modern Leaders: How to Determine Your Company's Worth
A proactive approach to help you profit the most when it's time to move on.
5 Strategies for Quitting Your Job… as an Entrepreneur
You started a business, but now you want out. Here's how to resign from your day job when that day job is being an entrepreneur.
4 Ways to Stay on After Selling Your Business
You don't need to immediately leave after selling your company -- instead, you can transition out more gradually and gracefully.
When is it Right to Fire Your Marketing Agency?
Consider the reasons for the decision, and whether the issues can be resolved.
The Strategies I Used to Sell Two Business by the Time I was 45
Exit strategies are great, especially when they're for the right reasons.