Exit Strategies: Page 6

Growing a Business

What to Do When You're Why Your Company's Growth Stalled

Just as you'd do after a bad relationship, when your company's growth reaches a plateau, take a look in the mirror and say, "Maybe it's me."


'An Entrepreneur Should Never Think Of An Exit'

An exit generally happens in the journey of an entrepreneur, an exit is never a destination

Growing a Business

5 Mistakes to Avoid During Exit Planning

For instance, have you ascertained the exact reason you're selling? Money may be the least of it.

News and Trends

Why Don't We Have Enough Hardware Startups Today?

With the evolution in technology increasingly the value in hardware is in the software


Cashing Out: 3 Tips for Valuing and Preparing Your Business for Sale

The journey from founder to investor is a time where all of your hard work and dedication can bear fruit.

Growing a Business

4 Tips for a Happy Exit From the Company You Founded and Love

Selling your startup is something to celebrate. Complaining dishonors the awesomeness of the journey.


3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Setting Up Their Exit

Business owners commonly wait far too long to get the professional help needed to make the best of what they have built.

Growing a Business

5 Strategies to Help You Sell Your SaaS Business

Most entrepreneurs dream of one day being able to exit their businesses, but SaaS businesses are a special challenge.

Growing a Business

5 Important Steps to Exit Planning

If you want to sell your online business, you're going to require a strategy.

News and Trends

Brexit Will Affect Your Business - Here's Everything You Need to Know

We couldn't believe how game changing number 4 is for entrepreneurs!

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Develop a Better Exit Strategy

Build a great business first. The rest will follow.

Thought Leaders

Follow These 8 Steps for Your Next Job After a Startup

The challenge for these entrepreneurs is to know when to exit, and how to do it smoothly.


Selling Your Business: Developing An Exit Strategy For Your SME

Business owners should conduct regular reviews to determine if their business' objectives are best met through continued ownership, new equity, or a divestment (either partial or full).

Growth Strategies

Developing Your Exit Strategy: How Can An Executive Coach Help You Plan A Course Of Action

Every business owner eventually exits his or her business. Some may leave by choice (e.g. retirement, acquisition) and other external factors, while others depart due to changes in the market or a change in personal circumstances.


My Post-Acquisition Report Card

Planning your exit through a merger or acquisition takes a lot of study and preparation. Do your homework.