Far Out Tech: Page 7


OMG Yes: A Smart Mattress Cover That Can Brew Your Morning Coffee

Meet Luna, which connects to your home's wireless network and can control other connected devices such as lights, locks or even a coffee pot.

Business News

This Company Is Squeezing an Entire Computer Into a Mouse -- All You Need Is a Monitor

A Polish tinkerer has created the ultimate compact PC - one that's small enough to fit inside a conventional mouse.

Science & Technology

A 'Smart' Belt Automatically Adjusts to Keep Your Pants Up

More than just a belt, Belty keeps your pants at the optimal comfort level and serves as a fitness tracker.

Science & Technology

Your Snowboard Is About to Get Smarter

The XON SNOW-1 bindings connect to your iOS or Android operating system to provide powerful data about your latest run.

Business News

Nvidia Just Unveiled a Super Smart Chip for Cars

The Tegra X1 will be available in early 2015, helping drivers detect and read road signs, detect breaking vehicles and more.


This Shopping Cart of the Future Creepily Follows You Around Stores

Two engineering students in Israel have developed the ultimate shopping cart for the lazy shopper.

Science & Technology

These High-Tech Jeans Protect You From Wireless Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud

Tech-savvy pickpocketers beware: These jeans were made for blocking you, and that's just what they'll do.


The Future Is Here: Double Amputee Is Outfitted With Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arms

That's right – he can control the bionic limbs with his thoughts.


Entrepreneur's Top 10 Crazy Tech Articles of 2014

From flying cars to 90-mph cheeseburgers, we count down the biggest -- and weirdest -- tech stories of the year.


A Simple Bracelet Can Turn Your Arm Into an Interactive Smartphone Display

With Cicret on your wrist, you'll never lose touch with your smartphone again. You wear it like a second skin.


The 'Paper' Airplane to Rule Them All

Say hello to the slickest little high-tech eye in the sky.

Science & Technology

These 'Smart' Ballet Shoes Digitally Paint Dancers' Fancy Footwork

Art in motion, with a side of geek.

Business News

The Fitting Room of the Future Has Arrived

One major retailer is testing out full-length dressing room mirrors that double as websites as tech invades yet another sphere of shopping.

Science & Technology

A Watch That Shoots Lasers? Yes, Please.

It isn't as cool as sharks with lasers on their heads, but it's pretty close.

Science & Technology

Where to Stash That Cryptocash? This Man Put It Under His Skin.

Martijn Wismeijer keeps his Bitcoin handy -- right between his thumb and index finger.