Far Out Tech: Page 8


Virtual Reality Meets DIY With Samsung's Project Beyond

Samsung has announced a 3-D, 360-camera that lets people record and create their own virtual reality worlds.

Business News

Europe Makes Space History as Probe Lands on Comet

This mission is the climax of a decade-long mission to get samples from what are the remnants of the birth of Earth's solar system.

Science & Technology

Gold? Silver? Pffft. This Necklace Is Pure Illumination.

This high-tech necklace is made out of light and morphs with your every move. You have to see it to believe it.

Business News

Amazon Launches Echo, a Speaker You Can Talk To

This is a speaker you leave on all day and give it voice directions, like Siri on an Apple iPhone.

Science & Technology

This 'Smart' Yoga Mat Has a Built-In Instructor

Pair the SmartMat with your phone and it can guide you through different yoga poses while monitoring your position and balance.


Bat-Like Technology Is Giving the 'White Cane' a Much-Deserved Upgrade

These 'smart' canes use high-tech echolocation to help the visually impaired get around even better.

Science & Technology

Google Is Developing an Ingestible Cancer-Detecting Pill

The idea is that nanoparticles will continuously monitor your body for disease triggers so they can be detected and treated as soon as they appear.

Science & Technology

This Mighty Exoskeleton Can Give You Superhuman Strength (Sort Of)

Anyone who wears this rugged exosuit will be able to lift heavy tools and objects like they're feathers.

Science & Technology

The U.S. Military Wants to Inject People's Brains With Painkilling Nanobots That Could Replace Medicine

Ever wish you could heal yourself like a superhero? The government is making it happen. Sort of.


It's a Bird. It's a Plane. No, It's a Flying Car (Finally)!

Fasten your seat belts and forget about tray tables. This driving-flying machine is ready for takeoff.


This Smart Skin-Scanning App Could Save Your Life

Wonder if that mole that keeps morphing might be cancerous? This cool app can help you find out.

Science & Technology

Hate Flying? This Dreamy (or Dorky) Virtual Reality Helmet Could Help You Escape the Experience.

Virtual reality, take me away. Because overpriced in-flight cocktails and noise-cancelling headphones aren't enough anymore.


Self-Healing Phones? Try Roads That Fix Themselves.

What if a road existed that never had a crack or a pothole? Science might have a solution.

Social Media

Protect Your Privacy With These Strange Anti-Surveillance Frocks and Fashions

Big Brother is watching you, but you don't have to take it lying down. Don these stealthy countersurveillance frocks and styles to fool the all-seeing eye.