First Impressions: Page 3


5 Ways to Make a Strong Impression With Every Audience

Show up like a celebrity, and use these key techniques to guarantee a strong first impression with every presentation.


The 4 Skills Needed to Make a Great Impression

Check out the research behind the first few seconds of meeting someone and how to make a great and lasting impression.


How to Hack a First Impression

Head high, eyes forward, and please, please keep your hands out of your pockets.


A Dozen Ways You Don't Realize You Are Making a Bad Impression at Work

First impressions are important but so is the impression are making day after day with your team.


11 Ways to Be More Memorable

How to be more than just another forgotten business card in a pile.


Don't Underestimate the Importance of Making a Good First Impression

It's very hard to give a presentation so good that it overcomes a bad first impression.


5 Tips for Building a Strong Brand Identity

What's in a name? Everything: A vibrant brand is what keeps a prospective customer interested long enough to view your offerings.


12 Phrases That Are Making You Sound Ignorant

Every time you speak is another opportunity to make a lasting impression. For good or not so good.


Don't Underestimate How Much Spelling Matters in Business Communications

Even in writing, you have just one chance to make a good first impression.


Don't Make Things Awkward: Reduce Uncertainty and Proactively Communicate

Sylvie di Giusto, founder of Executive Image consulting and author of "The Image of Leadership," provides tips to help you lead your business.


4 Techniques Successful People Use to Make a Positive First Impression

Got a firm handshake? Remembered to bring business cards? Go to a party or event prepared to "wow" people in those first crucial seconds.

Making a Change

3 Essentials for Making a Big Splash at Your New Job

No first impression is more important than the one you make on the people you will work with.

Growing a Business

Why Tyra Banks Cold-Called Zappos's Tony Hsieh

Never stop learning.


A Stupid 3-Word Phrase That Instantly Ruins Your Credibility

If somebody tells you price isn't important they are delusional.