First Impressions: Page 6


4 Ways to Make Yourself Memorable and Leave Great Impressions

Stand out in a crowded business world with these essential tips from a longtime entrepreneur.

Business News

Science Says Doing These 3 Simple Things Will Make You More Charismatic

Charisma is simply the result of learned behaviors.

Making a Change

3 Tips to Hit the Ground Running at Your New Job

Starting a new gig can be stressful. These tips can help ease the transition.


6 Tips for Overcoming a Bad First Impression

People make up their minds about each other in an instant but nothing is permanent.

Business News

9 Proven Ways to Get People to Take You Seriously

If you're going to get anywhere in business, you need people to take you seriously.


Fashion-Savvy Ways to Shape Your Image to Score Business Success

Three experts provide their advice for competitive grooming.

Business News

The Art and Science of Body Language, Charisma and Influence

An interview with Vanessa Van Edwards, the queen bee of making an impression, body language, and the science of people.


Good Work Plus These 3 Steps Converts New Customers Into Recurring Customers

A happy customer who comes back for more is, literally, money in the bank. Make their experience hassle free from beginning to end.

Business News

The Do's and Don'ts of Business Cards

Often times, your business card is your first chance to make an impression. Here's how to make it count.


3 Tips to Get the Most Out of Conferences

Conferences can either be a complete waste of time or very productive. Make sure your time at these events is well spent with these three steps.

Thought Leaders

10 Tips for Behaving as a Grown-Up Professional

Poor impressions are seldom created deliberately. Reflecting on how others see us makes a good impression a certainty.

Business News

5 Keys to Making a Great First Impression

These are the qualities of appearance make people instantly look like leaders.


How to Revive Your Wardrobe When You're Busy Running a Company

When the seasons change, so should your wardrobe. Here are some money- and time-saving tips.

Social Media

Easy on the Airbrush and Other Tips for Your Pinterest Photo

First impressions count, especially on social media. Here are seven tips for choosing an image to represent you and your business.