Follow-Up: Page 2


4 Insane Truths About Failing to Follow-up

Afraid persistence makes you "appear'' desperate? If you aren't desperate, you aren't trying hard enough.


Follow-up Is the Secret to Effective Delegation

A key leadership skill is walking that fine line between checking back and micromanaging.


Why Won't My Customer Call Me Back?

The cruel truth is that nobody is going to be in trouble for forgetting about your proposal.


The Art of the Follow-Up

Completing a deal requires persistent content that is never annoying but can't be politely ignored.


7 Ways to Better Networking

Be the kind of person you want to add to your own business and social circles.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Get People to Follow Up

Don't take it personally when you don't hear back, but don't stop trying to get in touch.

Growing a Business

Financial Winter Is Coming. Are You Prepared?

The difference between the right call and the wrong call equates to comparing a photo taken from your phone with a piece of art.


8 Never-Before-Published Follow Up Ideas Unveiled

When all else has failed, send a chocolate foot to that potential client in hopes of getting your 'foot' in the door.

Business Process

Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

Persistent follow up that nevers crossing the line into pestering is the secret to sales success.


The Challenge of Communication Doesn't Stop at the Keyboard

How do you know if the message you send over email is the message received? You don't, at least not without following up.


The Simple Formula for Following Up

You meet a lot of people at networking events. Here's a system that can turn those meetings into real business.


How to Handle Online vs. In-Person Leads

The follow-up separates the ordinary salespeople from the pro status.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Not Waste Your Employees' Time at Meetings

Are meetings simply keeping your employees away from their work? Adopt these rules to make them as productive as possible.


3 Ways to Give More and Be Proactive at a Networking Event

'Don't always make it about the sell,' says the founder of a networking organization. 'We are well trained in the sell but not in the listening and giving.'


How to Turn Business Cards Into Business Relationships

Business cards that symbolize fabulous connections and conversations can easily transform into annoying reminders of lost opportunities.