Healthy Eating: Page 2

Business News

Plant-Based Eating Isn't Just Salads And Beans. The Vegan Dessert Market Continues To Grow.

As consumer interest in plant-based eating continues to snowball, major brands and new names alike expand their dessert offerings.


Don't Forget the Mustard: Small, Eco-Friendly, Health-Conscious Companies are Conquering Condiments

It's not just meat that's going veggie. Spreads, dressings, and toppings are getting a plant-based, health- and environment-conscious makeover.


Better Fettuccine: How Companies Are Reinventing Pasta For The Low-Carb Era

These companies want you to have your pasta and eat it too with low-carb, high-protein alternatives.


The Seed of an Idea: How Buckwheat, Hemp, Chia and Flax Are Taking Over

Seedlings and mighty superfoods like buckwheat, hemp, chia and flax have gone mainstream.

Health & Wellness

Algae Is the New Popcorn. And Pasta. And Bacon.

Algae is making its way from the bottom of the sea to your kitchen cabinet.

Health & Wellness

Why We Are Stress Eating and How to Manage It

Anxiety eating is a common and understandable response to stress, but it's important to develop habits to manage our emotions.


Why Franchising Is the Future of the Healthy-Fast-Food Movement

Younger generations are on board to eat healthier. In certain parts of the country, it's just about access to affordable options.


Coronavirus: What Employees Can Eat To Stay Healthy During Work From Home

Creating a working environment and work-life and home balance could be difficult. Here are a few options to snack healthy while working from home.


A Former Editor of 'Cosmopolitan' On Her Secret to (Almost) Infinite Energy

You'll be trading sugar highs for a sweeter treat: Boosted stamina from the office to the bedroom.


Four Diet Tricks for a Better Night's Sleep

More water and less sugar could just be what's between you and your next career jump.

Starting a Business

[Start-it-up] How To Start Microgreen Farming Business?

Area of 1000 sq ft can produce 400 kg of microgreens every week without the use of any soil, fertilizer or pesticides.

Health & Wellness

Stick to Your New Year's Resolution with This Simple Meal Planner

Eat This Much simplifies meal planning automatically.


#8 Best Food To Eat In Breakfast For Healthy Mindset & Longer Life

To start your day with a clear head and for longer life, we bring a guideline of 10 foods to make your breakfast much healthier, tasty, high on fibre and nutritional value

Health & Wellness

How to Make Eating Healthy Your Easiest New Year's Resolution of 2020

Thrive Market is making healthy, high-quality food more accessible and affordable.


How Eating Slow Can Transform Your Health and Make You More Productive

Mindful eating is a powerful technique that helps prevent binge eating and can bolster performance at work.