Independent Contractors: Page 3


3 Ways to Keep Employees Productive at Home

Giving employees the space and time to maintain a healthy work-life balance keeps people from feeling micromanaged.


What New York City's New Freelancer Law Means for All Small Businesses

Will New York's freelancer rights bill spread to other cities? Stay tuned.


Don't Sell Yourself Short in the Gig Economy

Too many solopreneurs and freelancers are mispricing themselves in the labor market. Get out a sharp pencil and get it right.


Wanted: Creative Solutions to Shape a Workable Future

Changes in the world economy drag us all into new roles and unfamiliar arrangements. Some go kicking and screaming, while others see the answer to their prayers.

Business News

An Obituary for the 40-Hour Workweek

Satirically we mourn the death of a venerable American institution and ponder those who are happy it is no more.

Growing a Business

This Is What's Next Now That the Gig Economy Has Changed Everything

Greater change is coming and new emerging platforms are changing markets in multiple industries.

Growing a Business

How the Gig Economy Is Changing Work for Women

The freelance and contract economy opens up options for time, balance and flexibility.


7 Ways to Build a Team With Little or No Money

Offer stock options. Exchange your trade for another. Or just hire Aunt Betty.


How to Think About Job 'Loyalty' When You're an Independent Worker

Showing loyalty makes the difference for you between surviving and thriving.

Resumes & Interviewing

4 Ways to Hire and Keep the Best Freelancers

You'll find the right questions and you'll find good people. Pay a happy wage and you won't have to replace them.


Why Relying on Gig Workers to Fill Your Skills Gap is Lazy

The dazzle of the gig economy has blinded employers to the costs of high turnover and lack of continuity inherent in hiring temp workers.

Thought Leaders

Why Working Multiple Jobs Will Be the New Normal

If you're just thinking, 'gig economy,' you ain't seen nothing yet.

Thought Leaders

5 Tips for Hiring Freelancers Who Will Boost Your Business

Finding the most effective talent means knowing where to look, how to exercise due diligence and when to walk away.


3 Profound Ways Self Employment Is Changing Our Lives

Freelancers are changing the infrastructure, processes and skills needed for the future workplace.

Growing a Business

Seeing Through the On-Demand Smoke Screen

The on-demand economy is not a fad, it is simply the continuing evolution of our workforce.