Metrics: Page 3


5 Ways to Up Your Content-Marketing Game

Creating quality content is only the beginning.

Growth Strategies

KISS - the Clever Way to Run a Business

Processes at every level should be kept short and simple, so that employees understand what they are doing


Decoding the Maze of Metrics in the App Economy

DAU, MAU, downloads, usage, open rate, retention -- these terms can sound like a foreign language to those new to the app space.

Social Media

10 Metrics Your Chatbot Should Track to Optimize User Experience

incorporating a chatbot into your marketing campaign can completely change the way you interact with your audiences

Starting a Business

10 Valuable Entrepreneurial Insights From Y Combinator

No idea amounts to anything without sound planning and skilled execution.

Growth Strategies

5 Key Metrics That Will Propel Your Business To The Next Level

When you know 'why' your customer buys from you, you can develop a robust offer.

News and Trends

Decoding Online Reviews: Truth Versus Hype

It's quite possible that the star rating has not been perfect, but the fallout illustrates the fact that people miss that one elusive element - nuance.


It's Time to Evaluate Your Leadership Development Program

Measuring individual success and the impact to the organization is critical.


How Google Uses People Analytics to Create a Great Workplace

Hint: It's about the people, for the people, and by the people -- and you can translate the big ideas to your much smaller company.


3 Lessons From Tim Ferriss About Avoiding Burnout

A chance encounter with the productivity guru yields three priceless insights.

Growing a Business

5 Steps to Creating Metrics That Matter for Your Company

Dashboarding eliminates faith and allows a company to grow based on data and facts.

Science & Technology

Essential Web Skills Every Modern Entrepreneur Must Have

Tech savvy isn't everything but it helps you with almost everything else.


Call Conversions: the Blind Spot Threatening Digital Marketing ROI

Most metrics and analytics ignore conversions on cellphones. Is your ROI calculation completely wrong?


Your Company's Worth Is Far Greater Than Its Revenue Growth Metrics

A business that ignores the numbers is in trouble. A business that ignores its people is doomed.

Growing a Business

When Should I Hire My Next Employee?

This decision can have a huge impact on your bottom line, so apply a critical process like this one to get it right.